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19ο Συνέδριο της Διεθνούς Ένωσης για την Πολιτική Υγείας στην Ευρώπη:  «Καπιταλισμός, Πανδημίες και Δημόσια Υγεία», 21 – 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2023, Θεσσαλονίκη

Η Διεθνής Ένωση για την Πολιτική Υγείας στην Ευρώπη (International Association of Health Policy in Europe – IAHPE) σε συνεργασία με το Εργαστήριο Πρωτοβάθμιας Φροντίδας Υγείας, Γενικής Ιατρικής και Έρευνας Υπηρεσιών Υγείας του Τμήματος Ιατρικής ΑΠΘ και το Κέντρο Έρευνας και Εκπαίδευσης στη Δημόσια Υγεία, Πολιτική Υγείας και την Πρωτοβάθμια Φροντίδα Υγείας (ΚΕΠΥ) διοργανώνουν στη Θεσσαλονίκη το 19ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο της IAHPE με θέμα «Καπιταλισμός, Πανδημίες και Δημόσια Υγεία».

Στο συνέδριο συμμετέχει σειρά διακεκριμένων επιστημόνων και ερευνητών δημόσιας υγείας – πολιτικής υγείας από Ελλάδα, Ευρώπη και Αμερική, εργαζόμενοι στο χώρο της υγείας, κινήματα και ακτιβιστές υγείας από 25 χώρες. Στο συνέδριο θα συζητηθούν οι μεγάλες και σύγχρονες προκλήσεις στη δημόσια υγεία και τα συστήματα υγείας, συμπεριλαμβανομένων μεταξύ των άλλων της κλιματικής κρίσης και των επιπτώσεων της στην υγεία των πληθυσμών, οι μεταναστευτικές ροές και οι προκλήσεις τους για τη δημόσια υγεία, οι επιπτώσεις της ιδιωτικοποίησης στις υπηρεσίες υγείας και την πρόσβαση σε φάρμακα και εμβόλια, τα διδάγματα από την πανδημία COVID-19 και η ετοιμότητα των συστημάτων υγείας για τις μελλοντικές απειλές δημόσιας υγείας.

Η τελετή έναρξης του συνεδρίου θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Πέμπτη 21 Σεπτεμβρίου 2023 5.30μμ στην αίθουσα «Μανόλης Αναγνωστάκης» στο Δημαρχείο Θεσσαλονίκης. Ενώ από την Παρασκευή 22 Σεπτεμβρίου έως και την Κυριακή 24 Σεπτεμβρίου οι εργασίες του συνεδρίου θα φιλοξενηθούν στο Κέντρο Διάδοσης Ερευνητικών Αποτελεσμάτων (ΚΕΔΕΑ) στο Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης.

Δείτε ολόκληρο το πρόγραμμα: IAHPE Conference_Final Programme_print version_2023

19th IAHPE Conference


Thursday 21st September

(Manolis Anagnostakis Lecture Theatre, Thessaloniki City Hall)

  • 04:00-05:30 pm Registration

  • 05:30-06:00 pm Welcome

  • 06:00-07:00 pm IAHPE Anniversary Round Table: “The history and future of IAHPE”. Feride Aksu Tanik (chair), Hans Ulrich Deppe, Asa Christina Laurell, Vicente Navarro.

  • 07:15-08:00 pm Keynote lecture I: Steffie Woolhandler, “How the financialization of the US health care delivery system is undermining health”.

  • 08:00-10:00 pm Social event

Friday 22nd September

(Lecture Theatre I, KEDEA building, Aristotle University Thessaloniki)

  • 09:00-10:30 am Round Table I: “​​Migration and health”.

  • Karl Puchner (chair)

  • Sajida Ally, “Migrants’ health inequalities amid surveillance, (im)mobility and Covid-19 in Kuwait”

  • Andrea Contenta, “The Normalisation of State Violence – from the fence of Evros to the city of Athens to the Aegean sea, building up a system of exclusion”

  • Paula Quirke, “Identification and rehabilitation of victims of torture: the Irish experience”

  • Kayvan Bozorgmehr, “Covid-19 pandemic and migration: failures, fallacies, fallbacks and future challenges”.

  • 10:30-11:00 am Coffee break

  • 11:00-12:30 pm Round Table II: “Planetary health”.

  • Doreen Montag (chair)

  • Valentina Gallo, “From the ivory towers to the barricades, what’s the role of higher education in channeling environmental activism?”

  • Manolis Kogevinas, “Planetary health: focusing on what matters”

  • Maria Sotiropoulou, “The nuclear danger today”.

  • 12:30-12:45 pm Coffee break

  • 12.45-01:30 pm Keynote lecture II: Alfredo Saad Filho, “Neoliberalism in Crisis: Challenges and Alternatives”.

  • 01:30-02:30 pm Lunch break

(Lecture Theatre I, KEDEA building, Aristotle University Thessaloniki)

  • 02:30-03:30 pm Oral Presentations I: “Migration and Health”

  • Esperanza Diaz (chair), “Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic related to migration and health: personal reflections”

  • Zafer Ozkan, “The Role of Four Different Intergroup Contacts with Immigrant Mental Health: Examining Mediating Roles of Individual and Group-Level Discrimination”

  • Papanastasatos, G., Bellali, T., Vathakou, E., Giannopoulou, I., Tselepi, K., Kassapoglou, A., Papadopoulos, P., Papadatou, D, “A call to action for the mental health and psychosocial support for unaccompanied refugee minors in Greece”

  • Karl Philipp Puchner, Mariangela Psyrraki, “Social determinants of health in asylum seekers in Greece”

  • Leonardo Mammana, “COVID-19 vaccination for socially marginalized groups in Emilia-Romagna (Italy): a missed opportunity to institutionalize health equity?”.

(Lecture Theatre II, KEDEA Building, Aristotle University Thessaloniki)

  • 02:30-03:30 pm Oral Presentations II: “Planetary Health”

  • Magda Gavana (chair)

  • Baba Aye, “Capitalism, Planetary Health and the Structural One Health Approach”

  • Anette Christ, “Climate change and heat: implementation of the Climate Change Action Plan of the city of Frankfurt/ Main for a climate-resilient urban development”

  • Felix Litschauer, “Struggles for health in the climate crisis”

  • Sarah Steele, “Eco-Anxiety among Higher Education Professionals: Prevalence, Impact, and Perceptions of Institutional and Governmental Climate Strategies”

  • Juliette Mattijsen, “Educational activism for planetary health”

  • Chee-khoon Chan, “Time to get serious about an Asean NWFZ?”.

(Lecture Theatre III, KEDEA Building, Aristotle University Thessaloniki)

  • 02:30-03:30 pm Oral Presentations III: “COVID-19 pandemic, global health governance and public health”

  • Valentina Gallo (Chair)

  • Myria Koutsoumpa, “Better coordination and alignment, stronger health systems”

  • Zoi Parcharidi, “Towards a comprehensive framework of epidemic preparedness from a political economy of health perspective: A systematic review of theoretical approaches”

  • Perrykent Nkole, Francesca Alice, Tian Johnson, Anna Matendawafa, “How to promote accountable, community-informed pandemic preparedness using community-led monitoring approaches”

  • Paschalis Devranis, Elias Kondilis , Charalampos Economou , Alexis Benos, “Assessment of epidemic preparedness and early response of the European Union during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic”

  • Efrossyni Tsakiri, “COVID – MAPPING: Mapping and Visualization of the Pandemic Image in Urban Public Space”.

(Lecture Theatre I, KEDEA Building, Aristotle University Thessaloniki)

  • 03.30-04.30 pm Oral Presentations IV: “Healthcare inequities and the struggle for health”

  • Dimitris Papamichail (chair)

  • Matthew Gobey, “The Dynamics of Fragmented Redistribution and the consequences for Health Outcomes in Colombia”

  • Nihaya Daoud, “A historical narrative for uncovering mechanisms of structural racism in healthcare among Indigenous Palestinians”

  • Chiara Bodini, “Equity and the right to health: a multi-method interdisciplinary action-research to map and tackle health inequities in the city of Bologna (Italy)”

  • Ismini Drakou, “The impact of the Economic Crisis and Health Crisis (COVID 19) on health care use among the elderly 50+ in Greece – Exploring socio-economic and geographical barriers and inequalities in access”

  • Gissel Maidana Rosas, “Guarani Women confronted with the COVID-19 pandemic”

  • Aslı Davas, Feride Aksu Tanık, “Violations of the workers’ rights to work and health throughout the pandemic”.

(Lecture Theatre II, KEDEA Building, Aristotle University Thessaloniki)

  • 03.30-04.30 pm Oral Presentations V: “Philosophy, Epistemology and Political Economy of Health”

  • Georgios Aggelopoulos (chair)

  • Alexander Giannakouras, “From the critique of political economy to the critique of public health: exploitation, police power and capitalism”

  • A. Kayum Ahmed, “Human Rights as a Decolonial Option? On Capitalism, Corporate Capture, and Coloniality”

  • Núria Pujol Furelos, “Sustainable Health, historical models. The case-study of Eighteenth-century Barcelona”

  • Anastasia-Sofia Alexiadou, “Artificial Intelligence in Global Public Health Surveillance: Ethical Conundrums”

  • Jacqueline Descarpentries, “For epistemic disobedience in public health”

  • Ioannis Drougkakis, “Epistemic reparations as a necessary condition of pandemic ethics”.

  • 04:30-04:45 pm Coffee break

(Lecture Theatre I, KEDEA building, Aristotle University Thessaloniki)

  • 04:45-05:30 pm Keynote lecture III: Jaime Breilh, “Critical epidemiology in a pandemic civilization (Daring ethical science of all voices to face rampant health inequity)”.

  • 05:30-05:45 pm Coffee break

  • 05:45-07:15 pm Round Table III: “Health inequities”.

  • Alexis Benos (chair)

  • Carles Muntaner, “What is missing from SDOH Frameworks? A Systemic Realist Approach”

  • Anna Gkiouleka, “Building equitable general practice: an action framework across four domains of power”

  • Hani Serag, “Claim back people’s power and control”.

  • 07:30 pm PHM Europe meeting

  • 09:00 pm Social event

Saturday 23rd September

(Lecture Theatre I, KEDEA building, Aristotle University Thessaloniki)

  • 09:00-10.30 am Round Table IV: “Access to Vaccines and Pharmaceuticals”.

  • Feride Aksu Tanik (chair)

  • Ronald Labonte, “The political economy of trade and vaccine access”

  • Piotr Kolczynski, “The People’s Vaccine Alliance campaign on equitable access to COVID-19 medical countermeasures”.

  • 10.30-11.00 am Coffee break

  • 11.00-12.30 pm Round Table V: “Healthcare Privatisation”.

  • Charalambos Economou (chair)

  • David Rowland, “The growth of for-profit healthcare in the UK and the rise of a two-tier system”

  • Julien Mercille. Privatisation/marketisation trends in Irish healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic”

  • Elias Kondilis, “COVID-19 pandemic and private health sector in Greece: profiting without socially contributing”

  • Jane Lethbridge, “Over twenty years of health care privatisation – implications for the future”.

  • 12:30-12:45 pm Coffee break

  • 12.45-1.30 pm Keynote lecture IV: Howard Waitzkin, “Science as Ideology in Epidemics of Racial Capitalism”.

  • 01:30-02:30 pm Lunch break

(Lecture Theatre I, KEDEA Building, Aristotle University Thessaloniki)

  • 02.30-03.30 pm Oral Presentations VI: “Healthcare Privatisation”

  • Elias Kondilis (chair)

  • Nadja Rakowitz, “DRGs at the end? Recent developments in hospitals in Germany”

  • Michail Terzakis, “Stakeholder Analysis of the DRG reform in Greece during 2010 – 2022”

  • Julia Chukwuma, “Material culture and norms of healthcare consumption in Nigeria”

  • Rossella De Falco, “Inequality and the Commercialisation of Healthcare in Kenya during the COVID-19 Pandemic: a Human Rights Analysis”

  • Beka Natsvlishvili, “Social Consequences of Privatization and commodification of health care system in Georgia”

  • Shweta Marathe, Abhay Shukla, “Putting Profit before Patients? Analysing the impacts of German Developmental Agencies on Private Healthcare in India”.

(Lecture Theatre II, KEDEA Building, Aristotle University Thessaloniki)

  • 02.30-03.30 pm Oral Presentations VII: “Healthcare Workforce”

  • Arianna Rotulo (Chair)

  • Nicky Gabriëls, “Public health care as a solution to the global health workforce: examples from the DRC, the Philippines, and Palestine”

  • Evropi Misailidou, Kalliopi Tsapa, Athanasia Palantza, Anna Daskalaki, Michalis Terzakis, Elias Kondilis, Alexis Benos, “Trends of healthcare employment in the Greek National Health System before and during the COVID-19 pandemic”

  • Karen Spannenkrebs, “Triple Win? – International recruitment of health workers to Germany”

  • Santosh Mahindrakar, “Unfair work practices for nurses from non-German-speaking countries in Germany”.

(Lecture Theatre III, KEDEA Building, Aristotle University Thessaloniki)

  • 02.30-03.30 pm Oral Presentations VIII: “Public Health and Health Services”

  • Emmanouil Smyrnakis (Chair)

  • Vidhya Sasitharan, “Role of Policy in Shaping Pesticide Poisoning Experiences: An International Perspective”

  • Jesse David Marinus, “Participatory Approaches to change Health Systems: A Systematic Review of Involvement Levels”

  • Alexandra Gkoulgkoutsika, “Public Health Spending over the Past 20 Years: An Empirical Study of Global Trends”

  • Theofilos Varoutis, Filitsa Dimiza, Elias Kondilis, “Public Health Spending over the Past 20 Years: An Empirical Study of Global Trends”

  • Ioanna Karanikolaou, Eugenie Georgaca, Vasilis P Bozikas, Elias Kondilis, “Out-of-area psychiatric placements in Thessaloniki region: a secondary data analysis”

  • Dimitrios Delitzakis, “How Did the COVID-19 Pandemic Change the Hand and Mobile Phone Hygiene Behaviors of Greek Undergraduate Students?”.

(Lecture Theatre I, KEDEA Building, Aristotle University Thessaloniki)

  • 03.30-04.30 pm Oral Presentations ΙΧ: “Social movements, solidarity and public health activism”

  • Anastasia Zissi (chair)

  • Stella Christou, Donatella della Porta, “COVID-19 and the Access to Medicines movement: challenging Intellectual Property Rights during the pandemic critical juncture”

  • Barrack Owino, Takudzwa Kampira, Martie Mtange, Francesca Alice, Anna W. Matendawafa, Tian Johnson, “Nothing about us, without us’: Reflections on the Movement for a People’s Vaccine in Africa”

  • Feride Aksu Tanık, Zeynep Özen, Güldem Özatağan, Hanifi Kurt, “Securitization of Turkish Medical Association and the struggle for right to health”

  • Abhay Shukla, “Movements for challenging commercialisation, establishing patients’ rights in wake of COVID pandemic in India”

  • Delia Da Mosto, Elisa Adami, Sara Vallerani, George Kokkinidis, Marco Checchi, Silvia Giaimo, Leonardo Mammana, “Transforming Healthcare? An examination of the Organizational Models of Social Clinics in Challenging Structural Inequities”

  • Natalia Hirtz, “Mobilisations et organisation interprofessionnel et intersyndical dans le secteur de la santé en Belgique”.

(Lecture Theatre II, KEDEA Building, Aristotle University Thessaloniki)

  • 03.30-04.30 pm Oral Presentations Χ: “Access to vaccines and pharmaceuticals”

  • David Rowland (chair)

  • Natalie Sharples, “Drug policy is climate policy”

  • Tolga Cikrikci, Pelin Gul, Zafer Ozkan, Caspar van den Berg, “Human Security and Anti-Vaccination Phenomenon in Covid-19 Period”

  • Pelin Gül, Tolga Cikrikci, “Understanding the motivations of anti-vax protest movements”

  • Nicoletta Dentico, “Health financialization and the WHO negotiation for a pandemic accord”

  • Luciana Lopes, “Health-related aspects of Intellectual Property Coloniality: reflections form and for the Global South”

  • Sofie Blancke, “How to ensure accessible and affordable medicines? Let’s build a European public Salk Institute”.

  • 04:30-04:45 pm Coffee break

(Lecture Theatre I, KEDEA building, Aristotle University Thessaloniki)

  • 04:45-05:30 pm Keynote lecture V: Rob Wallace, COVID-19 and Global Circuits of Capital”.

  • 05:30-05:45 pm Coffee break

  • 05:45-07:15 pm Round Table VI: “COVID-19 and public health”.

  • Roberto de Vogli (chair),

  • Miran Epstein, “Occasionally corrupt, commonly ethical, and always immoral: The management of public health crises in capitalism”

  • Rossella de Falco, “Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on health inequalities and mental health: the role of effective public policies”

  • Kayihan Pala “Evaluation of COVID-19 pandemic management in Türkiye”

  • Ronald Labonte (commentator).

  • 07:30 pm IAHPE meeting

  • 09:00 pm Social event

Sunday 24th September

(Lecture Theatre I, KEDEA building, Aristotle University Thessaloniki)

  • 09:00 -10.30 am Round Table VII: “Academic freedom, social rights and public health”.

  • Fran Baum (chair)

  • Shatha Odeh, “Palestinian health care system under occupation”

  • Sebnem Korur Fincanci, “Is academic freedom essential for medical associations and their function to protect the public health?”

  • Dimitris Kivotidis. “Socio-political Rights during and after the pandemic in Greece and UK: the right to protest”.

  • 10.30-11.00 am Coffee break

  • 11.00-01.00 pm Round table VIII: ”Social movements and public health”.

  • Chiara Bodini (chair),

  • Anna Vracar, (PHM Europe)

  • John Lister, (Keep Our NHS Public, UK), “England’s declining National Health Service – a case study of neoliberal failure”

  • Sopo Japaridze, (Solidarity Network, Georgia)

  • Karen Spannenkrebs (Democratic Doctors, Germany)

  • Vladimir Nieddu (PHM France).

  • 01:00-01:30 pm Book launch: Wim De Ceukelaire, Sue Fawkus, “The struggle for health by David Sanders”.

  • 01:30-02:30 pm Lunch break

  • 02:30-07.00 pm PHM People’s Health Assembly Europe


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